Account and maps (data) deletion

This section will provide specific guidance about how to delete an account you longer need and the removal of your saved and shared maps.

Delete your account

When you delete an account, please note that you delete both the account and any maps you have created.

To delete an account
  1. Firstly, sign into the account.
  2. Rest you mouse on top of your account.
  3. User account

  4. Select Delete account.
  5. Account delete

  6. A confirmation message pops up. You have the option to Cancel and go back to the original screen or select OK to delete the account and all saved maps will be removed.
  7. Account delete confirm

Remove saved maps (data)

Maps can be removed from your saved maps list.

Please note: The number of maps saved in each credential account is persisted among different types of browsers (Chrome, Edge and Firefox), once maps have been deleted, they are not retrievable.

To remove saved maps (data)
  1. Open the Maps panel and select Edit maps button.
  2. Map edit

  3. Each of your saved maps will have a Delete (-) icon displayed. Click the Delete (-) icon next to the maps you are selecting it for deletion.
  4. Map delete

  5. Click Done when ready to remove maps permanently or click Cancel to discard changes made.
  6. Map edit done

Remove shared maps

When you have deleted a map that was previously shared using shared maps, the shared map will not be removed until they expire after the 30 day limit. If you require removal of the shared maps link prior to its expiry date, it can be removed by a Queensland Globe administrator, please contact us via our online form.